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The Scale-Up Blog

Where we share the best of what we're living and learning across business finance, accounting, operations, and technology.

Four puzzle pieces coming together for the 4 P's of business transformation
Small Business Owners

The 4 P's of Transformation: People, Process, Platforms, Partners

In the dynamic landscape of business transformation, understanding and implementing the core principles that drive success is...

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Woman assisting man on the computer

Developing a North Star Metric: A Comprehensive Guide for Startups

In the dynamic landscape of startup growth, identifying and maintaining a clear focus on your primary business objectives is...

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Infographic of the business s curve

The Business S Curve: A Blueprint for Continuous Scalable Growth

The ever-changing business landscape presents challenges and opportunities to entrepreneurs, small business owners, CFOs, CEOs,...

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Photo of a computer screen with diagrams and graphs
Small Business Owners

What are Digital Accounting Services?

The financial accounting world has changed at the speed of light in recent years. Digital accounting has become a critical...

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A woman stares up at 3 checkboxes with checkmarks that float above her head.
Small Business Owners

Save 7 hours with these 7 things before your next month-end close

Want an Efficient Month-End Close? In finance and accounting, the month-end close is a crucial process that ensures accurate...

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